A Year Well Spent: Reflections on 2021
Wow. How can it already be the end of 2021? Looking back to January of this year, it feels in equal parts like forever ago and like we just transported through 12 months of time in the blink of an eye!
2021 was a big year for the Winona Outdoor Collaborative. It was our first full calendar year of programming & operation as a nonprofit, and what a success it was! Sometimes I get caught up in all of the ideas, plans, and dreams we have as an organization for the future, thinking about all there is that we want to do, but when I stop to think about what we have already done I’m honestly amazed. So here’s a little recap on what we were up to here at the WOC in 2021, as well as a sneak peek of what’s to come in 2022!
Throughout this year, we offered 14 meet-ups, 4 workshops, 3 guided trips, other programs like the Winona Camp Indoors, Fireside Chats, and Saturday morning activities at Prairie Island, and established numerous partnerships in our community.
Our meetups ranged from snowshoeing and hiking the backwaters this winter, to cleaning up the lake and playing in our parks this spring, from paddling the backwaters and doing outdoor yoga this summer, and to hiking the bluffs and rock climbing this fall. It’s pretty incredible to have a group of people come together for a short outing and see people walk away with new friends & new skills. Personally, I loved getting to know new people at each meet-up and seeing familiar faces show up each month for a new adventure. It never fails that when I’m walking around town or hiking the bluffs that I run into people I’ve met at our programs now. We’re so incredibly grateful to each and everyone of you who attended a meet-up this year. We would not be who we are without the people who are actively creating this welcoming outdoor community with us!
Board Member Olivia Tarlton and partner, Ben, collect trash at the Collaborative’s April Meet-Up at Lake Winona.
We also offered four workshops this year, for an opportunity to dive deeper into specific topics. Most notably, our Intro to Backpacking and Gardening & Pollinators workshops were incredibly successful! It was fantastic to see so many people excited about new ways to get outdoors and learn from some backpacking & gardening experts in our community.
Workshop leader and volunteer, Eileen Moeller, discusses considerations for gardening and pollinators at a fall workshop.
In addition to our local meet-ups and workshops, we offered three guided trips this year - two backpacking trips along the Superior Hiking Trail (SHT) and one rock climbing trip to Devils Lake State Park. Guiding trips was always a goal for the WOC, but we didn’t realize how quickly we would dive into this area nor just how impactful these trips would be. We ran the SHT trips in partnership with Muddy Waters Yoga Studio, and it was so beautiful to see the melding of yoga philosophy and backpacking. Those trips were tough, but we heard from the women who participated that they walked away with some of the best memories of their lives and that, despite the exhaustion of hiking with packs for a few days, they would do it again in a heartbeat.
Sometimes challenging ourselves can be so rewarding. The climbing trip taught confidence and trust, and introduced those who attended to new passions. It was beautiful to see the women who attended push themselves each day and encourage one another as they climbed up the rock faces at Devils Lake State Park. Since the trip, I’ve seen a few of the women climbing at the indoor rock wall in town as well!
The June backpacking participants takes a quick detour to Lilly Island to snack and soak in the views along the Superior Hiking Trail.
With each and every event, the WOC takes steps toward creating a safe, welcoming space in the outdoors that everyone can feel comfortable being a part of. All of these activities, experiences, and connections were not the product of one person’s work. As it says in our name, the WOC focuses on collaboration to accomplish our goals and work toward our mission. In 2021, we not only received so much work, support, and guidance from our board of directors, but we built a strong volunteer force that helps both behind the scenes & in leading programs.
It’s because of our amazing team of volunteers and their commitment to helping this organization grow that we were able to do all that we did this year - including building countless partnerships with other organizations & businesses throughout town and the ability to offer additional programming throughout the year.
The Winona Camp Indoors event would not have been the success it was without partnerships with Midtown and Island City Brewing Company. The Fireside Chats summer campfire series would not have been possible without the support of Prairie Island Campground, and the work of the Minnesota Marine Art Museum, Dave Casey, and Rob Brault. The growing partnership with the Sugarloaf District Girl Scouts is due in large part to the financial support of the BK5K grant and race series. Thanks to Enlightened Equipment, we gave away one of their quilts at our backpacking workshop. Thanks to Sanborn Canoe Co. and Saint Mary’s University, we had plenty of canoes to use for our paddling event. Thanks to Roberta Bumann & the Prairie Enthusiasts, we were able to offer interpretive hikes.
I could go on and on with all of the ways that we have been supported by those in our community this year! It’s truly incredible to see so many vibrant people and organizations come together outdoors in our little river town. Just thinking about all of this synergy is getting me so excited and hopeful for what is to come in 2022!
So without further ado, perhaps the moment you’ve been waiting for, here’s a little peek into what we have in store for the coming year!
We’re anticipating more growth in so many ways. As you may have noticed on our website and social media posts, we recently added three more people to our leadership team so that we can create even more opportunities to help you get outside next year.
In 2022, we are going to continue offering free monthly meet-ups in the local area for a variety of seasonal outdoor activities. And, we will be offering more workshops and guided trips! We’re especially excited about our guided trips. More details will be shared in January, so be on the lookout for information on winter camping trips, out-of-state adventures out west, and plenty of Midwest opportunities for hiking, climbing, and paddling!
In addition to more guided trips, we’ll be offering partial day or one-night local excursions here on our backwaters and other locations around town. We’re also working toward opening an affordable gear-rental shop, set to open this spring! With so many programs, events, and opportunities to get outside in the works - you’re sure to find something to love with the WOC in 2022!
And with that, we’re going to settle into our December hibernation a little bit more and enjoy the remaining days of 2021 before we buckle up for the adventures that come our way next year - and we hope you do the same!