Why Local Meetups Matter
The Winona Outdoor Collaborative focuses on creating safe spaces for all marginalized identities in outdoor recreation. Those very local meetups and programs have numerous benefits for everyone involved. From volunteers to participants, we can all take something away from these experiences.

Getting Out On the Water
Summer in Minnesota is the best time of the year for water activities. And what better place for water sports than the land of 10,000 lakes! Winona has an abundance of diverse water activities for all skill levels and ages. Let's explore some of those opportunities!

Finding Hidden Treasure
Geocaching is a great way to actively explore and engage with your surroundings. Even if you’ve never heard of Geocaching or if you don’t have any experience using a GPS, this treasure hunt is designed for everyone.

The Importance of Getting Outside
Spending time in nature just makes you feel good, right? It's not just a feeling, it can have positive impacts on your physical and mental health! You don't have to go on some big adventure to reap the benefits, either. Learn more simple ways to get outside and surround yourself with nature!