Join the WOC for our first climbing event of the year at Sugar Loaf Bluff, hosted in partnership with Midwest Music Festival. This event is open house style, come and go as you please! This event is part of our “Mental Health Outdoors - Summer Event Series. Keep an ee out for our upcoming #mentalhealthmonday posts. This is a beginner and family friendly event. Pack your water bottles and sunscreen, let’s kick off the summer season right with a climb!
Parking Instructions: Please park alongside the road, staying out of the Edina Reality parking lot.
Bathroom Access: None
Cost: Free to Attend
Inclusions: Climbing harnesses, ropes, belayers, helmets, instruction
Exclusions: Climbing shoes, sunscreen, bug spray, water
Send us an email for additional accomodations at
No registration required - this is an open house style event. Show up anytime between 9 and 11 am.
The Winona Outdoor Collaborative (“WOC”) operates with safety and risk management at the forefront of all activities. When engaged in rock climbing activities of any kind, all staff, volunteers, and other individuals acting on behalf of the WOC will abide by the following policies and procedures:
Each lead guide must hold a valid Single Pitch Climbing Instructor certification
Each lead guide must hold a valid Wilderness First Responder certification
Each assistant guide is not required to hold a Single Pitch Climbing Instructor certification or Wilderness First Responder certification; however they are not allowed to belay during a program without a lead guide present at the site
All guides will assess each individual piece of equipment before and after each use to ensure its effectiveness and proper functioning
All guides will be familiar with participant goals, as well as any pertinent medical history
All guides will carry a first aid kit for the duration of the activity
The maximum guide to client ratio is 5:1; with some exceptions for certain programs wherein we will follow the required ratio stated by the managing agency of the climbing site
We do not have restrictions on on maximum age or weight, but the WOC does reserve the right to prevent any client from participating in any activity if we determine the client’s safety, or the safety of others, is in jeopardy
All guides and participants will wear a helmet when belaying, climbing, and at the top or base of a route/crag area
Any participant seeking to belay during a rock climbing activity must pass a belay test offered by an SPI certified instructor (unless otherwise specified by more stringent permit requirements for the location)
All assistant guides will be responsible for managing their own rope during climbing programs and not leave their designated route
In the event of lightning, there will be no more climbing
Weather Related Cancellations & Modifications
If the weather forecast calls for greater than a 40% chance of rain within 24 hours of your trip start time, you may reschedule for a different date at no charge or cancel for a 75% refund. If there is not at least a 41% chance of rain, you may not cancel for weather reasons nor receive a refund. Rain cancellations or rescheduling must occur at least 24 hours before scheduled trip departure.
If the WOC cancels your trip while the trip is in progress due to rain, lightning, or other weather-related safety concerns, there will be no refund given. If the trip has been in progress for 24 hours or less and the trip is canceled due to rain, lightning, or other weather-related safety concerns you are entitled to a partial refund subject to the discretion of the Retreat Coordinator.
Trip Leader | Contact Information
Miranda Maurer | Director of Flow
Credentials: Wilderness First Responder and Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS)
(507) 858-4185